My name is Ivan W. Golde and my practice of law is in the areas of criminal law, personal injury, civil rights, civil litigation, and the representation of professional athletes.
I was born and raised in Oakland, California, one of the most diverse areas in the country. The youngest son of legendary Superior Court Judge Stanley P. Golde, I learned the justice system from the inside. Knowing the players and the way business is done, especially here in California, is the key to making the proper decision in a criminal or civil case. What’s the right move? Do you fight, or do you deal? Do you keep the ball in play, or let the clock run out? I have the background and experience to make the right choices to solve your legal problems. My mission is to help people of all socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds be protected, supported, and saved by the laws of this land.
Thanks for exploring my website: I hope you will find it helpful and informative. Please click on the My Practice to get more detailed information about my practice of law. Also please tune in every Saturday morning on KNBR 1050 AM on your radio dial at 8:00 AM for my weekly call in radio show, The Law Of Sports. To view video clips of some of my television appearances please visit the Media and The Law page, the Multimedia/Print page and the KRON 4 legal commentator page.
For information on how to contact me directly for a free consultation about your case please call my office at (510) 530-3294 or call me on my cell phone at (510) 206-2300.
You can also email me through this website on the contact page. If you email me I will email you back promptly.
Thank you for visiting my website I look forward to talking and or meeting with you to discuss your legal needs.

Ivan W. Golde